My Baby Graduated from Pre-K on Thursday! It was a real nice ceremony. The kids sang beautiful songs and were very well behaved.
Luis and myself took the day off and decided to be with him all day. Because the ceremony was held at the daycare only the parents were allowed to attend. Little Luis and Joey were a little upset that they could not attend.
After the graduation we decided to take him to Toys R Us to pick out any tow he wanted and then we took him to Chuck E Cheese. Now you won't believe me BUT this is the FIRST time Mickey has gone to Chuck E Cheese! I know, I know how did I keep him away from it for so long! LOL. The two older boys went on a regular basis when we lived back in PR however, because there is so much to do in Central Florida we never took them there! Oh well.... He did enjoy himself BUT he wasn't overly joyed!
I forgot to take my video camera to the graduation (I know BAD Momma) but I was able to get some poor quality video with my Canon Powershot (Which I HOPE to upgrade SOON, very soon! hint, hint to hubby!) Now I need to figure out how to upload it to blogger.
Enjoy the pics...
Having Fun In Chuck E Cheese
Picking out his toy.
Here he is with Grandma!
Oh my word!! He is darling!!
Yeah - graduation... today... Toys R Us - College it will be a car so be grateful for Toys R Us... hahahaha... glad you had a nice day... take care
He looks sooooo cute, adorable. Congratulations.
Que bello!! Congratulations!
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