Friday, October 17, 2008

Random Bullets

  • Turning 35 is not that bad!
  • I see little Luis working on writing post cards for H@ll.mark... He is that good at only 8 years old...
  • My heart aches for my big sister. (I will always have your back!) That is what sister's are for!
  • Have you ever despised someone so much even if you have not met them? When you know this person hurt someone you love so much. I DO!!!!!!
  • As a Birthday present to myself I decided to give myself a big ole back sprain! I have been in so much pain these past days...
  • It is funny how for my birthday presents EVERYONE gave me something in the shade of brown.... LOL They all know that for clothing this is my favorite color.
  • Since when do teachers send homework for us parent? I got a note from Mickey's teacher that in celebration of Hispanic Month she would appreciate US parents in sending in a Map of Puerto Rico and to make sure that WE use our imagination! Below is the finished project. I must say I am really proud of myself! We made it into a family project. Joey used the projector to trace it onto the board. Mickey handed me the beans to create the border while I burned my fingertips using the hot glue gun! Little Luis and Mickey both spread the glue inside the municipalities and filled them with rice. I made sure to type out and print the names of all 78 municipalities that are in our little island.

  • Yesterday Mickey was to take his finished project to school and because it was so big we decided to walk with him to class to make sure it arrived in one piece. The teacher then tells me that Mickey would be in a play that same night and if we could please dress him like a Jibaro (Not sure hot to translate that to English)
  • What the heck does this teacher think that I have Pava's laying around in my house!
  • Thank the lord we where able to find a Puerto Rico Souvenir shop in town and below is the last minute Jibaro costume we were able to pull off! I think it came out pretty cute! (I know he will hate me for this when he is older) LOL
  • I need to learn how to upload videos here so I can share his performance from yesterday! He was so freakin adorable!
  • We are going to the Pumpkin Patch on Sunday. Pictures will come soon!


Yoly said...

What a cute little Jibaro. Happy Bday. I loved the map, great job. Hope you get better soon.


Briana's Mom said...

The map looks terrific! And Mickey is such a cutie! 35 is a great age! :D

Hope your back feels better soon!

insanemommy said...

Happy Birthday pretty lady. I agree 35 is not so bad, especially when you compare it to 47! Yikes. Saying it outloud sounds like 100... You look great gorgeous. and here's to many, many more.... love to you. Rony

Pug Mama said...

such a cute pic of Mickey.
you made an arroz con habichuelas map!!!! Very talented!!!!!!!!

Special K said...

Wow! That map is spectacular. Can't believe you made that. He better get an A+.

Happy Belated Birthday!