Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Feeling the Joy!

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First off I want to thank you all for your comments on whining post below!

Even though I do not “know” them personally they have each one touched my heart and soul in an immeasurable way! I am so Thankful that they are all part of my bloggy life!

In this post I requested prayer for my Parents. Because of the circumstances and privacy I did not say why I needed prayer. I am glad to say that our family is finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

In this road that the Lord had us take, we learned a lot. I can say that our family has grown closer because of it. This road has showed me that through out all the diversity our family was able to be there for one each other. I have learned that my parents are stronger than I would have ever imagined. It has showed me that everyone can make mistakes and we can always find a way to look beyond the mistake and accept this person with all the love in our hearts.

I wanted to mention that at time I always question my parenting skills with my boys. Well they have showed my more that once that I am doing it right! My two younger boys want the Wii badly for this Christmas. And I have been looking frantically everywhere to get if for them without having to break the bank with online sales (kid you not I have seen them for up to $1,000) no luck so far...

The other day we where putting up the lights outside and Little Luis says the following:

Mommy if Santa can’t bring the Wii, it is ok! The important thing is that we pass it together as a family and give thanks to GOD that we do have a family!

And Joey has been asking when will we go shopping for adopted family we buy gifts for every year.

Mickey is yet too small demonstrate his feelings, however when putting up the lights he said to all of us “I Love, my mommy, daddy, Joey and Luis a LOT”

My house is all decked out with the Christmas decorations. I am shaking that blue feeling I had and my heart is filled with JOY!


Steffie B. said...

You go girl.....I told you....you are "the glue"! ;)

Yoly said...

I'm glad you feel better. OMG little Luis is so sweet. Your kids are great. I'm sorry you are having a hard time getting the Wii. We were lucky to get when we did because J would not understand if he did'nt get it for Xmas.

Steffie B. said...

Ah yeah...can you stop by my blog and do a translation for me???? Last comment? What the dilly? lol
And....I am trying to find the Wii too......

redmaryjanes said...

You are doing it right and your boys are going to be fine men. No one can find a wii right now from what I'm hearing. It's crazy. I hope that one comes your way at a good price though.
I'm glad that the Christmas spirit has filled your home and family. And I will pray for your parents.